Create a Microhabit with Vital

Create a Microhabit with Vital

Create a Microhabit with Vital

It’s easy to get overwhelmed to create a meditation habit, or any habit. And Vital can help.

The best place to start is called a “microhabit.” A microhabit is a habit that’s broken down to small, manageable actions that you can easily incorporate into daily routines, think 5-10 minutes in length. Microhabits are designed to be so simple that you have no reason to say no to doing them.

Here are 6 steps to create a mindfulness microhabit with Vital.

1. Choose Your Goal

1. Choose Your Goal

1. Choose Your Goal

Start by identifying a larger goal or habit you want to develop. In this case, we'll focus on a daily meditation practice.

2. Simplify The Action

2. Simplify The Action

2. Simplify The Action

Break down your goal into the smallest actionable step. In this case, your microhabit could be to meditate for just 5 minutes each day. 

3. Link It To An Existing Routine

3. Link It To An Existing Routine

3. Link It To An Existing Routine

To make your new habit stick, anchor it to a habit you already perform daily. For example, you can meditate with Vital for 5 minutes before you have your morning coffee. 

4. Remove Barriers

4. Remove Barriers

4. Remove Barriers

Make starting as effortless as possible. You can make your meditation space inviting, whether that’s a comfy chair or a meditation pillow. 

5. Celebrate

5. Celebrate

5. Celebrate

Each time you complete your 5-minute meditation, take a moment to appreciate your effort. 

6. Track Your Progress

6. Track Your Progress

6. Track Your Progress

Vital gives you points and a tracker to visually reward you for your consistency and effort. This not only offers a sense of accomplishment but also reinforces the habit through positive feedback.

With Vital, you can embed meditation into your daily life. And you're not just adopting a microhabit, you're setting the foundation for profound, lasting change in your body, mind and spirit.