Thank you for getting started with Vital.

Thank you for getting started with Vital.

Vital offers a seven day free trial, but for now requires a credit card to start the trial. While we work on providing a better demo, please check this sample meditation:

Vital offers a seven day free trial, but for now requires a credit card to start the trial. While we work on providing a better demo, please check this sample meditation:

To give you a better sense of what you get with Vital, please check out this 3-minute demo video, with custom prompt:

"I'm having a hard time at work and I'm not sure if my boss is on my side"

Next, please download our iOS app for iPhone, or sign up with our Web App (we're working on our Android app!)

Next, please download our iOS app for iPhone, or sign up with our Web App (we're working on our Android app!)

Thank you for getting started with Vital.

Vital offers a 7-day free trial, but for now requires a credit card to start the trial. We are working on a demo without the need for a credit card.

To give you a better sense of what you get with Vital, please check out this 3-minute demo video, with custom prompt:

"I'm having a hard time at work and I'm not sure if my boss is on my side"

Next, please download our iOS app for iPhone, or sign up with our Web App (we're working on our Android app!)

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